Administration SIS Web Applications

Action History Module (SIM)

System that manages student interactions with the Registrar's Office and Student Financial Services.

Administrative Admission Application Module (ADAP)

Undergraduate and graduate online application for processing, reports and statistics.
Facility to change deadlines.

Administrative Reports (SRM)

Facility for staff to generate reports from the SIS databases.

Admissions and Decisions Module for Web (ADMW)

Used by Admissions office to manage students' applications and admissions to York University.


Advising Dashboard (YDML) decommissioned

DECOMMISSIONED Use the document link above to find out what systems to use now.

Alternate Exam (ALTX)

Effective January 6, 2025, the old booking system will no longer be in service.  A new Accommodated Test and Exam Booking site has been launched for students to request your accommodated tests and exams. Please go to the new booking site to submit your requests.

Appointment Booking System for Web (ABSW)

Facility access to ABS using a browser.

Awards Web Module (AWM)

Facility to access award management information.

Bulk Load Manager (BLM)

Bulk load editing for database changes.

Bursaries for Students With Disabilities (BSWD)

Bursaries for Students With Disabilities.

Convocation Reports Module (CRM)

View administrative reports for York Convocation.

Degree Redesignation (REM-redesignation)

Facility to Load and Process Degree Redesignations.

Document On Web (DOW)

View of all scanned images linked to a student record such as transcripts, pre-1982 transcripts and transfer credit statements.

EDI Transcript (REM-etm)

Facility for staff to Resend EDI Transcripts

Event Log Viewer (ELM)

System that generates a comprehensive SIS Event Log for activity processed on student records.

Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships System

The system helps staff manage financial aid, awards, scholarships and graduate funding. It provides students a tool to access, search and apply for funding opportunities to support their education. NOTE: Click on the Passport York button to login

GPA Calculator (GPAV)

Allows staff and students to view and calculate grade point averages.

Graduate Event Module (GEM)

System to track graduate events.

My Convocation - Staff Assisted (MYC)

Facility that allows staff to RSVP or apply to graduate on behalf of a student.
Not availabe to students.

Non-York Credit Equivalency (NYCE)

Facility to select an institution or York subject and get non-York credit equivalences.

Oracle SIS Database Technical Model Viewer

Browse and view images of SIS database models.
Access restricted to employees and staff.
Requires Passport York login.

SIS Designates

SIS designates approve staff access changes to the SIS administrative applications for each departmental. This is the list of designates.

SIS Fees Module (SFM)

Manage miscellaneous fee changes and set fees to determined.

SIS Rule Editor (SRL)

Used by the Registrar's Office to set up rules. Currently only used for rules relating to appointment booking.

Staff Assisted Enrollment (Administrative REM)

Facility for staff to add, drop and transfer students' courses.

Student Account Online Statements - Administration Version (OSS)

View of student financial statements and account information.

Student Address Module for Administrator (SAM)

Administrative access to update address, SIN and contact information. View enrolment access times. This application requires Passport York login.

Student Appointment Booking (SAB)

System to book appointments set up by appointment centres online.

Student Financial Profile for Administrators (Administrative SFP)

Facility for administrators to manage the student financial profile applications.

Student List Module (SLIM)

Facility for selecting lists of students based on complex criteria.

Summer OSAP Application (SOA)

Interface to Summer semester OSAP student loan applications for staff.

Supplementary Application Result (SAR)

Results mounted for Schulich and Atkinson supplementary applications.
Requires SIS alternate account login.

Tax Forms (TFM)

Electronic forms retrieval system that allows students, staff, and faculty easy and secure access to their tax forms online.

Test Scores (TAF)

Module to match test scores (GRE,IELTS,SAT,TOEFL) to SIS students.

TOEFL Auto Loader (TAF)

Module to upload electronic TOEFL scores from ETS, find York students that own these
scores and create TOEFL test results for them in the SIS database.

Transcript Ordering Module (TOM)

Allows administrators to request transcripts online.

Transfer Credit Module for Web (TCMw)

Allows to review and edit degree audit rules.

Valid Table Editor (VTE)

Facility designed for staff to edit valid tables.

Visual Schedule Builder (VSB)

Visual scheduling system for student course enrolments.
Administrators click here for the Analytics Dashboard

Work/Study Employment Module (WSE)

Manage the employment programs such as Work/Study and RAY
Hiring Manager(SFP)


YDM Light (YDML v7)

Application that allows viewing of letters, final grade reports, student courses, degree audit status or any other
document developed for a student. Click here for an old version.

York Degree Audit (YDA)

A degree auditing system which automatically checks and lists what a student needs to graduate.

York University Academic Repository (YUAR)

System that is used to create and manage progids.